These are the most commonly changed baby names

Virgin Radio

25 Oct 2022, 16:09

Babies lying in a circle

Credit: Getty

Deciding what to call your baby is a big deal, and for some parents they make an unfortunate mistake.

A baby name consultant in the US has shared the top names that are most frequently changed.

Stephanie Coffield has compiled the list of names that parents regret using - usually because of an incorrect spelling.

The most changed names come from the Social Security Administration.

The date includes statistics from 2017 to 2022.

At the top of the list is Issac and Chole – yes, those are the incorrect spellings of Isaac and Chloe.

The next most commonly misspelt name was Conner (a misspelling of Connor).

TikTok commenters couldn't believe their eyes.

One queried: "Wait do nurses not like double check the spelling…? “Ma’am are you sure you want to spell Chloe like that?”‘

Another added: ‘My nephew’s name was spelled Issac instead of Isaac, we couldn’t tell if it was intentional or not.’

Others stood firm, arguing: ‘Honestly if I’d misspelled Chloe to Chole, I’d have said it was pronounced Cole and left it that way. Cole for a girl is boss.’

Here's the full list:


If you're needing inspiration, here are some names that will be trending.

On the other end of the scale, here are some names that are going extinct.

